Report from CIBR

The report from CIBR provides an overview of your current and past financial commitments that are collected about you in the Banking Registry of Client Information, operated by the Slovak Banking Credit Bureau. Registry members include banks that provide mortgages, loans, and other credit products.

Support your financial stability and regularly monitor your financial commitments.

Prices start from 8 EUR/report

Ways you can get Report from CIBR

Details and options

8 EUR report

0 EUR processing

0 EUR delivery

You have immediate access to the Report from CIBR in PDF format. Payment is made by credit card

8 EUR Add to cart

Details and options

8 EUR report

6 EUR processing

0 EUR delivery

After verifying your identity in person at the Client Center, the operators will issue the requested extract from the register. Payment can be made in cash or by card.

14 EUR Add to cart

Details and options

8 EUR report

6 EUR processing

3,85 EUR delivery

The Report ordered by mail can be paid for online by card or sent cash on delivery. The shipment is delivered by registered mail directly into the hands of the recipient

Starting from 17,85 EUR Add to cart

Credit reports – Questions and answers

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the Joint report CIBR+NBCIR. For more detailed information, please refer to the FAQ section.

Who Can Request a Report from the Registers?

A natural person or a self-employed natural person who is of legal age and legally competent. If the applicant does not meet any of these conditions, their request will not be accepted. To verify the identity of the applicant, a valid ID card or passport is required. A foreign individual is required to prove their identity with a passport or a residence permit in Slovak Republic. A natural person can authorize representation in the process of applying for the service and related activities based on an officially certified power of attorney (forms). Personal documents are required from the representative to the same extent as from the natural person they represent. If the applicant is the legal representative of the client, some form of proof is required.

A legal entity can also request a statement from the registers and can be represented based on an officially certified power of attorney (forms). In such a case, you will also need this authorization (power of attorney) that allows you to act on behalf of the legal entity, if this information is not directly evident from the Commercial Register extract. If the legal entity is not registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic (, the applicant is obliged to submit, together with the request, an extract of data about the legal entity from the relevant register or from another record (in original or a certified copy), which must not be older than 3 months; after the request is processed, this extract will be returned to the applicant

How do I obtain report from registers CIBR/NBCIR?

You can request reports from registers in person at our Client Center or through our e‑shop. We describe all methods of delivery of individual reports here:

What does report contain?

The statement from the registers is a comprehensive source of information containing both negative and positive data regarding an individual's overall payment discipline and credit history.

The statement from the registers begins with identification data – for non-business individuals, this includes PERSONAL INFORMATION: name, surname, address, personal identification number, and date of birth. The identifiers also include a code assigned to the subject in the register. If the subject is a business entity, the identification data is supplemented with a company identification number (IČO) and a tax identification number (DIČ).

Summary Evaluation of Credit Contracts

The statement from the registers then provides a list of all credit contracts based on the type of operation and their phase: from application, through rejection, appeal, existence, to termination. Individual loans are categorized by type of operation into Loans, Housing Loans, Business Loans, Financial and Operational Leases, Overdrafts and debits on the current account, Cards and revolving loans, Accounts for services, and factoring.

Following this is an overview of the ratio of obligations in the individual registers and a comparison to the previous month for Total Monthly Payments, Total Debt Amount, and Unpaid Amounts Past Due. In the joint statement from the Banking and Non-Banking Registers, these three items are calculated across both registers. For example, the total monthly payment is calculated from all loans in both the CIBR and NBCIR registers. Each item also shows the breakdown of how much of that amount is in the Banking or Non-Banking Register. All loan amounts are always listed in the national currency.

List of Contracts

In the next section, details of each individual contract or loan are provided. The details of each type of loan first display items that are current for the given month. For example, the amount of the next installment as of the statement date, the number of remaining installments, and others. Among these items are also so-called maximum calculated items, such as Maximum Unpaid Amount or Worst Status. These values are calculated from the entire history of the contract.

Below this list, there is a table with the repayment profile. The repayment profile provides a detailed description of the last 24 months, such as the trend of the remaining installment amounts in individual months. At the level of each month, you can also see the Unpaid Amounts Past Due if the client did not meet their obligations on time.

Summary of All Applications

The last section provides an overview of all applications made by the client and their role in them. This includes whether the client applied for a loan themselves or played a role as a guarantor or co-applicant. It also includes applications that were rejected by the financial institution or those that the applicant withdrew themselves. In the rejected and withdrawn phases, the applications are displayed on the statement for an additional 12 months or 6 months for applications in the Non-Banking Register.

How to Request Correction of Inaccurate or False Information in Credit Registers?

Have you discovered that the information about you in the CIBR and NBCIR registers is incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete? Please contact us with the completed request for correction of inaccurate or false information. You can find the forms HERE. How can you deliver your request to us?

  1. Online through the client zone of the portal
  2. In person at the CRIF Client Center (don't forget to bring your identification card; we cannot process your request without it)
  3. By post mail

Upon receiving your notification regarding the processing of false or inaccurate information in the registers, we will make every effort, in cooperation with the relevant financial institution, to rectify the situation as soon as possible. If it is not possible to rectify the situation, we will promptly eliminate the false or inaccurate information.

What is a Report from CIBR and NBCIR?

A statement from the registers provides a comprehensive overview of all credit products you are utilizing or currently applying for. It also includes information about regular and irregular payments, details about payments made after the due date (in other words, payments that did not occur according to the pre-agreed repayment conditions), and other information regarding the parameters of your loans or applications.

Useful Data for Institutions and Clients

A statement from the registers is a valuable document for both the client and the financial institution. When you apply for a loan, financial institutions assess your credibility. They examine whether you have provided all the required information truthfully and whether you have disclosed all your commitments, loans, and credit cards. Financial institutions have access to your statement from the registers, which contains this information. Statements from the BRKI and NRKI registers do not contain information about your income, only about your liabilities.

The registry extract can be used as your memory

We use more and more financial products – credit cards, leasing and consumer loans, loans for the purchase of goods, loans from building savings or mortgages. Often there are so many that we are unable to keep track of them all. The statements of registers record this data for us.

Confirmation of Financial Condition

A statement from the registers offers insight into your credit history. If it demonstrates that you repay loans in a timely and proper manner, you have a better chance of obtaining a loan compared to someone who repays their obligations late or not at all. A statement from the registers is evidence of your payment reliability and serves as a foundation for successfully building your financial future. Be cautious when dealing with financial institutions that do not work with statements from the registers. If they are not a participant in one of the BRKI and NRKI registers and do not request a statement from the registers, they are unlikely to have a genuine interest in ensuring you can repay their loan.

What is the Banking Registry of Client Information?

Banking Registry of Client Information (CIBR) is a database that collects and stores information about financial products and transactions of individuals with banks and building societies. The primary purpose of CIBR is to enhance control and monitoring of financial risks associated with providing loans and other financial products. The CIBR register assists these companies in assessing the creditworthiness of clients. Data in the register is retained for the entire duration of the contract repayment and for 5 years after the loan is fully paid off. In the case of loan product applications, data is kept for half a year. SBCB – Slovak Banking Credit Bureau is the operator of CIBR.

Data sources for CIBR

The information used for the extract comes from traditional credit institutions and banks. CIBR stands for the Client Information Banking Registry.

  • Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s.
  • Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.
  • Tatra banka, a.s.
  • UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky
  • Prima banka Slovensko, a.s.
  • Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa, a.s.
  • 365. bank, a.s.a
  • Československá obchodná banka a.s. zahraničná pobočka v SR
  • Wüstenrot, a.s.-stavebná sporiteľňa
  • COFIDIS, S. A., pobočka zahraničnej banky
  • mBank, S. A, pobočka zahraničnej banky
  • Oberbank AG – pobočka zahraničnej banky v SR
  • FIO banka a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky
  • J&T Banka, a.s.
  • BKS Bank AG, pobčka zahraničnej banky v SR
  • BNP PARIBAS PERSONAL FINANCE SA, pobočka zahraničnej banky
  • Privatbanka, a.s.

What should I do when I am a legal entity?

The services of the portal are available for natural persons and natural persons-entrepreneurs. Legal entities can request a statement via the web portal of the Non Banking Credit Bureau (NBCB), where they can find the relevant application forms and send them by email and post, or they can do so in person at the Client Centre.