Are you having trouble meeting repayment deadlines? Or perhaps you're already not meeting your obligations? The first step is immediate communication with your creditor. They will certainly try to find a solution. And undoubtedly, they are bombarding you with phone calls, emails, and letters. A ruined client is of no value to them. Once you bury your head in the sand, they may take drastic measures against you. Later on, you may personally feel the painful consequences of words like execution, bankruptcy, insolvency, and liquidation.
Increase your chance of getting a mortgage or loan by checking your information in Banking and Non-Banking registers and finding out your rating.
Check your data regarding credit products and their repayment progress with banking institutions in the Banking Register.
Check your information about financial obligations and the progress of their repayment with companies in the Non-Banking Register.
Check for distrains against individuals and entrepreneurs in the official database. Avoid unnecessary troubles.
You will have online access to all listings and services after registering at the portal. Everything can be carried out easily from the comfort of your own home or office.