How do Credit Registers work?

In general, credit registers are databases composed of all types of clients – legal entities and individuals – citizens and entrepreneurs, who are in some way connected with the loan providers. Credit registers are designed to provide financial and non-financial institutions with the data on clients they need to provide credit and thus prevent the provision of credit to "non-performing" clients.

Registers also serve the clients themselves, especially in cases where the client has a strong payment history. Financial and non-financial institutions are then able to gain this information from the registry and accelerate the process of providing funds. In addition, clients are able to evaluate whether they can afford another loan or not due to the possibility of ordering a statement from the registers and checking their own credit history.

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Credit report

8 EUR / report
  • Client Information Bank Register (CIBR)
  • Non-Banking Client Information Register (NBCIR)
  • Joint report from the CIBR/NBCIR

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